sábado, 30 de agosto de 2008

ROIO - David Gilmour - In Floyd We Trust!

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ROIO - The Complete Zabriskie Point Sessions

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quarta-feira, 27 de agosto de 2008

NEWS - Pink Floyd e Renee Fleming recebem o prêmio Polar de música

O rei da Suécia entregou nesta terça-feira (26) o prêmio Polar de música à soprano norte-americana Renee Fleming e aos músicos do Pink Floyd Nick Mason e Roger Waters por suas contribuições à ópera e música pop, respectivamente.

O primeiro-ministro sueco Fredrik Reinfeldt afirmou que a banda inglesa de rock deu uma "contribuição monumental...e capturou o clima e o espírito de toda uma geração com suas reflexões e atitudes".

Fleming foi saudada por sua "voz sublime e inigualável" pelo diretor do Metropolitan Opera de Nova York, Peter Gelb.

O público ovacionou os vencedores quando subiram ao palco para receber, cada um, o prêmio de US$ 157.700 (cerca de R$ 257 mil), entregue na Sala de Concertos de Estocolmo.

Fleming, 49, destacou a importância da cultura no dia-a-dia e homenageou os cantores suecos de ópera.

Já Nick Mason, 63, declarou que o Pink Floyd se sente honrado em receber o prêmio e que os companheiros de banda David Gilmour e Richard Wright sentiam muito por não poderem comparecer ao evento.

Waters, 65, homenageou sua mãe de 96 anos. "Se há alguma humanidade em meu trabalho, o que eu acho que há, devo a ela", afirmou o cantor e baixista, que deixou o Pink Floyd em 1983.

Artistas suecos cantaram músicas do Pink Floyd na cerimônia, entre elas "Another Brick in The Wall".

O Polar é o maior prêmio musical da Suécia e geralmente é dividido entre artistas do pop e da música clássica. O prêmio foi criado em 1989 por Stig Anderson, empresário do ABBA. Entre os ganhadores estão nomes como Paul McCartney, Bruce Springsteen e Quincy Jones.

Em 2007, os vencedores foram o saxofonista de jazz Sonny Rollins e o compositor Steve Reich.

Fonte UOL

sábado, 23 de agosto de 2008

ROIO - The Massed Gadgets of Auximenes

Recorded Live:
Royal Festival Hall
April 14, 1969

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ROIO - Dawn of the Piper

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NEWS - Vintage Pink Floyd footage promised on forthcoming DVD

Written by Matt - Brain Damage Website

In October, Eagle Rock Entertainment release a new DVD which is said to feature "amazing footage of Syd Barrett era Pink Floyd and some incredible concert footage from a watershed piece of musical history; an incredible London show boasting a host of luminaries including [John] Lennon".

“A Technicolor Dream” is the story of the Underground movement in the UK during the sixties and leads up to its culmination at The 14 Hour Technicolor Dream, an all night “musical happening” that was held at Alexandra Palace on the 29th April 1967. With rare footage of Pink Floyd included on the DVD, we're sure that this will be a popular release with fans of the early days of the band...

The story takes in CND marches in the early sixties, the foundation of the London Free School and from that the International Times, the UFO Club and the Notting Hill Carnival. There are brand new interviews with Roger Waters and Nick Mason from Pink Floyd, John "Hoppy" Hopkins, Joe Boyd, Kevin Ayers, Barry Miles, Arthur Brown, Phil May from The Pretty Things and many more. All of this is set in a musical context with the music of Syd Barrett era Pink Floyd.

The bonus features on the DVD, which has a running time of 125 minutes, include three full Pink Floyd performances with Syd Barrett on guitar and vocals from 1967 and additional interviews with Roger Waters, Nick Mason and others, which won't be included in the version which is intended for television broadcast on a date yet to be confirmed.

The bonus Pink Floyd performances are:
1) Astronomy Domine – Queen Elizabeth Hall, 14 May 1967 *
2) Scarecrow – Pathe News, 8 July 1967
3) Arnold Layne – Peter Whitehead promo, 10 March 1967

(* however, we suspect this is actually BBC TV's Look Of The Week programme, two days later, but will clarify once we've seen the DVD)

Hitting the stores in the UK/Europe on October 13th, it will be followed by an NTSC version in the USA on October 28th. Pre-orders - at a discount - are already being taken for the UK/European version, from Amazon UK, Amazon Germany, or Amazon France.

sexta-feira, 22 de agosto de 2008

ROIO - Superstar Concert Series - Live BBC

01. BBC (open)
02. Embryo
03. Green Is The Colour
04. Careful With That Axe, Eugene
05. Atom Heart Mother
06. If
07. One Of These Days
08. Echoes
09. BBC (close)

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NEWS - Syd Barrett's sister shares memories of Pink Floyd visionary

Exclusive by Beth Neil

The original Crazy Diamond is about to shine on even brighter - with an exhibition celebrating the creative genius of rock enigma Syd Barrett.

Titled The City Wakes, it will premiere in the Pink Floyd founder's hometown of Cambridge, before a transfer to London. It will feature artwork, previously unseen photos and letters written by Syd, who died, aged 60, in July 2006.

Ahead of the exhibition - organised by arts and mental health charity Escape Artists - Syd's sister, Rosemary Breen, 60, gives us exclusive access to her family album and shares memories of the brother she called her best friend.

My brother was two people. He was "Roger" when we were children. "Syd", as most people knew him, was a nickname for just a few years.

After that, he was Roger again for the rest of his life. So if I'm talking about the child I knew or the man I looked after, I say "Roger".

The person everybody is interested in, I prefer to call "Syd". It's easier that way.

People have many ideas of what my brother was like. But he didn't have a dark side. He was just lovely and unique, and so attractive.

They say some people walk into a room and you know they are there - he was like that. Things became livelier when he was around. I suppose it's what you call charisma.

My earliest memory of Roger is on a seaside holiday, turning in front of me, looking back at me from between his legs and giggling.

His letters, which will be on display as part of The City Wakes, show just how funny he was. He always had everybody in stitches.

My mother's friends would come to the house just to see him. He was a witty, bright, attractive child with a great presence.

He was always going to be special. He had that sparkle.

He loved children's books and was fascinated by Alice In Wonderland. Fantasy was always more interesting to him than reality.

He hadn't got a lot of time for reality.

People first realised there was something exceptional about him when they saw his childhood paintings. He just had what it took to draw what he saw.

As children we played piano duets together. Roger would play a banjo, a ukulele and later a guitar. But he always considered himself an artist rather than a musician. Music was fun but art was his real love.

He started his first band, Jokers Wild, at 16. Sunday afternoons would see Cambridge chaps and girls coming over for a jamming session. The members of Pink Floyd were just people I knew. Roger Waters was a boy who lived around the corner and Dave Gilmour went to school over the road.

The first time I saw them perform my brother seemed to think it was all a bit of a joke and didn't take it very seriously.

Jazz was his big passion - he admired Thelonious Monk and Charlie Parker the most. The psychedelia thing was just his version of it.

The first time I heard Pink Floyd on the radio I was out with a boyfriend and Arnold Layne came on the car radio.

Another time I was on a late shift at the hospital and Top Of The Pops came on. I told a patient: "That's my brother." She said: "No it isn't, dear."

Syd still saw music in a light-hearted way. It was never serious until it all went wrong. Then it was very serious.

Fame was the last thing he wanted. He never needed it because from when he was a child he was surrounded by people who adored him.

I was doing my nurse's training in Tooting, South London, when Pink Floyd took off. That first year they worked so hard, travelling every night and performing - it was a killer. It contributed a lot to his trouble because they were all exhausted, physically and mentally.

People ask me why Syd withdrew and I think it was a combination of too much LSD and a very eccentric, creative brain. If you're very tired and put a load of acid into the mix you've got chaos, an explosion.

It was all very nasty but also inevitable.

He was exhausted and confused about where he was going with Pink Floyd. I think he took drugs in search of an alternative. He probably did have a nervous breakdown, although it was never diagnosed. I think he just mentally collapsed.

After leaving Pink Floyd he lived in Chelsea cloisters, coming home occasionally.

But he was still chaotic. When he came home in 1981, he lived with our mother for a year. She found it a bit much and moved in with my husband and I, leaving Roger in the house He stayed there until he died.

After he came back to Cambridge he was very shy and reclusive because he had withdrawn. If he was in a good mood, he would be funny again. But it would be rare.

He showed no interest in Pink Floyd at all. If anyone called him Syd he wouldn't answer - Syd was Pink Floyd. He wasn't being clever by being reclusive, just being himself. He tried hard to disappear but that made some fans want to know about him even more.

Roger was assessed by quite a few psychiatrists and they always said, yes, he's unusual, but there is no mental illness.

People would ask him to do paintings but if he did anything it was because he wanted to do it. He could never do a commission - performing on stage is like being commissioned and doing what you're told to creatively. He found that very difficult.

He had an obsession with the new, so everything had to be replaced all the time.

I'd say: "You've only had this mattress six months." He'd say: "It's old, it's old," and get rid of it.

There would be new hi-fis and stereos chucked out on a regular basis.

Having people coming to the door upset him and he'd say to me: "What do they want?"

Some more extreme fans would stalk him. One even wrote to all his neighbours in an effort to get in contact with him. In the end he just disconnected his door bell.

For him, a typical day would consist of getting up late and trundling downstairs for breakfast, which was always bacon and eggs. Then he'd get on his bike and go to Sainsbury's where he would buy a lot of things that he didn't need, especially if they had nice colours or were sparkly. He might even chat with the checkout girls.

He'd have lunch on his lap and in the afternoon we'd go to B&Q where he'd buy endless amounts of plywood, nails and paint. He never watched TV - he had enough going on in his head - but he'd do some gardening.

Roger had an unusual habit of making paintings, taking a picture of them and then destroying the canvas - 30 or so photos of his art will be shown in the exhibition.

I think Roger would have found the idea of a tribute very funny. I can picture him in his armchair, reading the paper and giggling.

I will always remember my brother as a clown who attracted people. In many ways this has never stopped. He was just a magnet and everybody could feel it.

The prospect of The City Wakes exhibition really excites me. I'm looking forward to all his old friends getting together, having a good laugh and a lot of fun while raising money for Escape Artists, who are wonderful.

And it will be great to have Syd there in the background.

The City Wakes runs from October 22 to November 1, more info at: www.thecitywakes.org.uk

He didn't have a dark side .. he was just lovely and unique and so attractive

Fonte: Mirror.co.uk

quinta-feira, 14 de agosto de 2008

NEWS - Pink Floyd será tema de um cruzeiro marítimo

Pink Floyd será tema de um cruzeiro marítimo

Pacote "Great gig in the sea" estreará no ano que vem. Banda cover tocará o clássico "The dark side of the moon" na íntegra.
Roberto Carlos e as micaretas que se cuidem: o Pink Floyd também está nos ramos dos cruzeiros marítimos. O "Great gig in the sea" (referência a um dos clássicos da banda) levantará âncora em 2009. Durante o trajeto Miami-Bahamas, uma banda cover que diz ter sido aclamada por David Gilmour, tocará "Dark side of the moon" na íntegra.

Ao preço mínimo de US$ 379 (cerca de R$ 615) por pessoa, o pacote de três dias inclui jogos e festas tendo a banda progressiva inglesa como tema. Marcado para maio do ano que vem, o cruzeiro foi concebido por duas empresas, uma delas a responsável pelas turnês do Pink Floyd nos EUA (e intitulada Think Floyd).

Hits dos discos "Wish you were here", "Animals" e "The wall" também serão tocados pela banda cover.

Mais informações sobre o cruzeiro são encontradas no site http://greatgiginthesea.com

Fontes: Globo G1 / Whiplash

quarta-feira, 6 de agosto de 2008

ROIO: LA Sports Arena

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ROIO: Time in London (Empire Pool) - 1974_11_16

1 - Speak To Me
2 - Breathe
3 - On The Run
4 - Time
5 - The Great Gig in the Sky
6 - Money
7 - Us And Them
8 - Any Colour You Like
9 - Brain Damage
10 - Eclipse
11 - Tune Up
12 - Echoes

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ROIO: Stade Du Parc Olympique, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 6 July 1977

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